
Building the future, one line of code at a time


Student Management System

SpringBoot /MySQL / Angular / CSS



The Student Management System is a Java Spring Boot project that I developed with a MySQL backend. It serves as a simple yet effective solution for managing student records, monitoring attendance, and maintaining student details. As a part of my learning journey with Spring Boot, this project helped me gain a deeper understanding of the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture and learn the basics of Angular.

The system provides basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, allowing users to add, edit, and delete student information. Users can input details such as student names, IDs, contact information, and other relevant data. The system ensures that student records are accurately maintained and easily accessible.

One of the key features of the Student Management System is attendance monitoring. The system enables users to mark student attendance and keep track of attendance records over time. This feature provides valuable insights into student attendance patterns and helps in monitoring student participation.

Moreover, the system incorporates search functionality, allowing users to search for a particular student from a list of students. This feature facilitates quick and efficient retrieval of student information based on specific search criteria.

As part of the project, I also implemented the storage of student images in the MySQL database. Instead of storing the images in a separate folder, the system stores the images as binary large objects (BLOBs) in the database. This approach ensures better data organization and simplifies the management of student images.

Through this project, I gained hands-on experience in Java Spring Boot development, MySQL database integration, and basic Angular concepts. It allowed me to practice the implementation of CRUD operations, understand the MVP architecture, and explore various features provided by the Spring Boot framework.

Overall, the Student Management System developed using Java Spring Boot and MySQL provides a user-friendly interface for adding, editing, and deleting student records, monitoring attendance, and efficiently managing student details.






